The star of the A&E reality show Dog, The Bounty Hunter directed his racist hatred at his son Tucker's girlfriend Monique Shinnery, who is black.
"Dog Chapman should not have a show. That show should be taken off the air!"
That's the opinion of prominent civil rights leader Roy Innis, who has served as the chairman of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) since 1968. Innis was shocked and outraged when The ENQUIRER played Dog Chapman's racist telephone conversations for him.
"Dog Chapman should not have a show. That show should be taken off the air!"
That's the opinion of prominent civil rights leader Roy Innis, who has served as the chairman of the Congress for Racial Equality (CORE) since 1968. Innis was shocked and outraged when The ENQUIRER played Dog Chapman's racist telephone conversations for him.
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